Saturday 3 January 2015

Texting While Walking Might Become Illegal !!!

Josh Elliott,

Published Tuesday, December 16, 2014 8:53AM EST

Texting and driving is illegal in most provinces. Calgary city councilor, Ward Sutherland thought texting and walking is also illegal, so he urged police to crack down quickly. He wants to promote a more ‘heads up’ attitude among Calgarians. Ward argues to fix this problem even if issuing a ticket is needed because people are absorbed on their devices and walkthrough traffic without looking up. This doesn’t only put them in danger, it puts others in danger as well. A lady interviewed she is too busy to check emails, so she checks her email on road, but said that if there is penalty, she is willing to discontinue her habit.

My Point of View

If I have the opportunity to answer the poll question, I will support the idea of texting and walking should be outlawed.

Advances in technology have brought the convenience of living. However, people are devoted only to enjoy a little comfort from evolution of the technology and not aware that they can lose safety and life

These days, people are able to check email anytime at anywhere, but that "anywhere" is place of life threatening. How silly is that? All conveniences include a positive effect and a negative effect. It is necessary to minimize the negative effect in order to properly enjoy only the positive effects

Nickname Aviator had left a great point about texting and walking. Aviator said, “This law should be enforced not only in Calgary but in all of Canada. It's time to instill common sense into people's heads. And elementary schools in Canada should start teaching a lesson or two about road safety and how to properly cross the roads. That would make people in the future generations have more respect for their own lives.” 

Our younger generation is growing up with advancing technology. To profusely protect them, we are going to have to teach them how to live healthily with the technology by outlawing such behavior.

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